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Note: Configuring the Strategic Reporting extract for Skyline should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete


NOTE: TPP have advised Informatica that all practices who use document scanning have a PC running in Gateway mode.

Before you can start the configuration of the strategic reporting extract for Skyline, the PC or virtual PC running in Gateway mode needs to be located. If you don’t have a PC running Gateway mode or your practice are new to Strategic Reporting please see TPP - Grant Strategic Reporting Access And Gateway Mode Checks before configuring the Skyline extract below.

NOTE: TPP have advised Informatica that all practices who use document scanning have a PC running in Gateway mode.

Once the strategic report for Skyline extracts has been setup and activated by TPP, the report will extract data from SystmOne on a daily basis and save the files in the path configured in the report below.


Our preferred location for saving the Skyline extracts is on a network drive as this gives the practice more flexibility when uploading the data into Skyline. Note, the Gateway PC MUST be able to access the network drive.

If you’re opting to save the Skyline extracts on C: you will need to setup the report on the gateway PC and know the Gateway PC name to correctly configure the scheduled job section below. The PC name can be found by right clicking the MY PC icon on the Gateway PC desktop > Properties - Note the Device Name


Once the strategic report for Skyline extracts has been setup and activated by TPP, the report will extract data from SystmOne on a daily basis and save the files in the path configured in the report below.


 Support Contact Details

Informatica Support - (Practice NACS code is used for support purposes) Email : or Tele: 03303353110

Note: If you experience any problems whilst following the instructions bellow please contact Informatica Support and provide as much information as possible including your practice NACS code.

TPP SystmOne Support - Tele: 0113 205 0099 (NAT code is used for support purposes)



Note: the extract user must not log into the TPP Gateway using their Smartcard as the Gateway will logout once the Smartcard is removed.


Our As mentioned above, our preferred location for saving the Skyline extracts is on a network drive as this gives the practice more flexibility when uploading the data into Skyline. You will need to ensure that the gateway PC can access the selected network drive and that all users have read / write access to the folder you’re going to create below.

If you’d prefer to use C: on the gateway PC this is also covered below.

If your not sure or would like assistance please contact Informatica Support - our contact details are above
