Raised inflammatory markers are inferred if the patient has an erythrocyte sedimentation rate of at least 12.0mm/h, or a serum C-reactive protein of at least 10.0mg/L, or a plasma viscosity of at least 1.72cP. If none of these values have been supplied then raised inflammatory markers are not inferred.
Raised Creatinine is inferred if a patient has a creatinine of more than 120.0umol/L.
A raised white cell count is inferred if a patient has a white cell count of more than 11*10*9/L.
Risk Scoring
A risk greater than 5% is considered very high.HIGH (RED)
A risk score of between 2% and 5% inclusive is considered high.MODERATE (AMBER)
A score of less than 2% and below is considered lowLOW (NO COLOUR).