Note |
NOTE: You must log into the Skyline Desktop Connector for the results to be saved within Emis Web |
Ensure you’re logged into your clinical system - i.e. Emis Web
Log into the Skyline Desktop Connector
If the Desktop connector is hidden or not logged in
Click on the ^ (hidden icons) in the bottom right system tray
Right click the Skyline icon
Click login and log into Skyline (if login is greyed out you’re already logged in)
Click on show cues
Launch the web interface via the open browser application option in the Desktop Connector
Carrying Out A Health Check
Note |
NOTE: We do not recommend running a Health Check on a patient using the Health Checks Activity This Year cohort unless you’re absolutely sure the patient is eligible. This cohort gives practices an overview of all patients 40 - 74, eligible and ineligible. |
Select the Bury Health Checks Solution | Cohorts
Select the Patients to be invited Cohort
Find the patient to be reviewed either by scrolling though the patients or by entering the Name into the filters box.
Select the patient by clicking on them and then select Health Check from the Action menu
A new Data Entry tab will open containing the Health Check review screen
Info |
NOTE: a A Health Check can be part saved at any point by clicking Finish. You may want to do this if you take bloods during the Health Check which are sent to a lab. Codes will be generated for all data entered into the template; these can then be added into the clinical system. |
Answer the questions - some data will be populated from the data in the patient record
The first mandatory question - ‘'Did the patient DNA’' must be answered and then select if you would like to generate a patient plan
All mandatory questions will be labelled in red
A second Health Check will be needed once the blood results are back to complete the Health Check. Note, these patients will remain listed in the Eligible Patients cohort until the ‘Health Check Completed’ code is added. |
Did the patient DNA - by ticking NO to the question, the Health Checks template will be displayed
The box "Tick to generate patient plan" will be ticked as default
Answer the questions - some fields may be populated with the data held in the patients clinical record
Mandatory questions will be labelled
Values that are out of range will
also generate an error message
As the questions are answered different options may appear
Calculators are indicated by a green square, click on the square to open the calculator if the result has not populated
When all the required values have been populated clicking on
calculate will perform the calculation
The result of the calculation will be displayed
Once all the mandatory questions have been answered the Finish button will be enabled
Throughout the review, the Clinician will be able to see the patient details and any other available tabs - Heart Age Calculator, Documents to Print and Visualisations.
The Heart Age Calculator tab is populated with data entered during the Health Check but these valuesThe Visualisation tab will appear and display data once the minimum data requirements are met
Values can be altered in the tab using the slider to show the effects of lifestyle change on the QRISK score. No data collected in the Health Check will be affected by changing the information in the Heart Age Calculatorvisualisation tab. Any
The Documents to Print tab will list any documents produced by the Health Check (e.g
.the patient plan) will be available to be printed on
the Documents to Print tab (*for a completed health check print these before you click on Finish*)Once the documents have been printed click on the Finish button
Review the codes that will be added to the patient record
Unticking the boxes against the code lines will stop that code being saved to the patient recordPrint the documents
Once all mandatory fields have been populated a Health Check Completed box will be displayed - you MUST tick YES
Note |
Failing to tick the Health Check completed box will result in the Health Check Done code NOT being generated. |
Clicking on Finish will prompt to confirm completing the Health Check and adding the codes
Click on Yes to accept the statement
Check you’re happy with the codes being added into the clinical system
Clicking on Add Codes at the bottom of the screen will save the selected codes to into the patient recordpatients clinical record
A confirmation message will be displayed
Once you see the message :-
close the Health Check is complete
Close the Health Check Template tab
in your Internet browser by clicking on the X as shown below
NOTE: If you see a warning that codes have not been saved
Check that you are logged in to the Principal Clinical System
- as mentioned above
Check that the
Skyline Desktop Connector is logged in - as mentioned above