Info |
Note: Configuring the Strategic Reporting extract for Skyline should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete. The report can be setup on any PC which has access to a practice shared drive and by a user who has Strategic Reporting access in TPP. |
Note |
NOTE: TPP have advised Informatica that all practices who use document scanning have a PC running in Gateway mode. Before you can start the configuration of the strategic reporting configuring a strategic report extract for Skyline, the PC or virtual PC running in Gateway mode needs to be located. This will need to be logged into TPP as a user who has Download Strategic Reporting Extracts access. If you don’t have a PC running Gateway mode or your practice are new to Strategic Reporting please see TPP - Grant Strategic Reporting For Skyline - Setup a new Gateway before configuring the Skyline extract below. NOTE: TPP have advised Informatica that all practices who use document scanning have a PC running in Gateway mode. Access And Gateway Mode Checks before progressing. |
Note |
Our preferred location for saving the Skyline extracts is on a network drive as this gives the practice more flexibility when uploading the data into Skyline. Please check you meet the following statements before continuing:-
If you would like to save the Skyline extracts on C: of the Gateway PC please contact for more information. |
Info |
Once the strategic report for Skyline extracts has been setup and activated by TPP, the report will extract data from SystmOne on a daily basis and save the files in the network path configured in the report below. |
You will need to know the Gateway PC name to correctly configure the scheduled job section below. The PC name can be found by right clicking the MY PC icon on the Gateway PC desktop > Properties - Note the Device Name |
Info |
Support Contact Details Informatica Support - (Practice NACS code is used for support purposes) Email : or Tele: 03303353110 Note: If you experience any problems whilst following the instructions bellow please contact Informatica Support and provide as much information as possible including your practice NACS code. TPP SystmOne Support - Tele: 0113 205 0099 (NAT code is used for support purposes) |
Strategic Reporting - Configuring The Skyline Extract
Configure A New Organisation Group
Note |
Note: throughout the document you will see reference to NACS CODE - you must enter the PRACTICE NACS / ODS CODE E.G A12345 |
Note |
Note: the extract user must not log into the TPP Gateway using their Smartcard as the Gateway will logout once the Smartcard is removed. |
Info |
As mentioned above, our preferred location for saving the Skyline extracts is on a network drive as this gives the practice more flexibility when uploading the data into Skyline. If you need assistance please contact Informatica Support on the email details above |
Creating The
Data Extracts Folders On A Shared Network Drive
You MUST be able to access the practice shared network drive
Click on File Explorer on the task bar
Browse to your shared drive where you want the extract files to be saved on e.g. S:
Create a new folder - call this Skyline
Open the Skyline folder and create a new folder - call this Informatica
Open the Informatica folder and create 2 new folders - call them Data Extracts and New
Check that all staff can read / write to the Data Extracts folder
Just recap, you should now have a network path of S:/Skyline/Informatica/Data Extracts (S: is an example, this will be replaced with your network drive letter)
Configuring The Extract Report
Log into TPP as the user who is has access rights to Download Strategic Reporting Extracts
Click on Setup
Click on Users & Policy
Click on Organisation Groups
Click on New Group
Info |
Note, though you saw the message regarding contacting the local TPP helpdesk this is not required until you reach the end of this document. Please continue to the next step below. |
Configure Extract Tables And Fields
Click on Setup
Click on Users & Policy
Click on Strategic Reporting Download Configurations
Strategic Reporting : Select Informatica (NACS CODE) from the drop-down box if there are more than one configured/available.
Click New to create a new extract report (Amend can be used to edit and existing report)
Configuration name: Informatica Reporting
If you wish to save the data to another location other than the C: you will need to ensure that the location is available at all times, and the folder has appropriate privileges for the user granted Gateway Role within Skyline, to access the location. Please discuss with Informatica Support - our contact details are above
Root Directory:
Click on the folder icon
Type the file name C:\ProgramdataClick on This PC
Select the practice network drive and drill down to Skyline\Informatica\Data Extracts OR type the path e.g. (network drive letter):\Skyline\Informatica\Data Extracts
Click on Select
Click YES to create
Root directory new units:
Click on the folder icon
Type the file name C:\ProgramdataClick on This PC
Select the network drive and drill down to Skyline\Informatica\Data Extracts\New OR type the path e.g. (network drive letter):\Skyline\Informatica\Data Extracts\New
Click on selectClick YES to createSelect
Info |
Note: At this point Skyline is not using the ‘New Units' but we’re setting up the path in advance |
Tick Normalised values for static lists
Tick Normalise values for locally configured lists
Untick Manage Full Download
The left hand content box should be blank however if you see SRNDOptOutPreference listed please highlight the line and click on the - to remove from the left hand list.
The content box will should now be blank - click on the +
Highlight the following tables one at a time and click the right arrow to select
The Note, the window should look similar to below with 18 tables under content BUT instead of C:, this will be your practice shared drive letter:-
Click on OK to create the download report
If you click on Informatica Reporting the configured tables will be listed similar to below.
Scheduling The Extract
Info |
Note, As mentioned above, the TPP Gateway must be running during the reporting period, which is from 9pm to 10.30am This can vary depending on the extract job finish time. |
Configure as follows:-
Run On: Use the dropdown and select the gateway PC name noted above - not GATEWAY. Gateway
Note |
Note: The report will run on the Gateway PC daily and save the extract files on the PC named above. By selecting GATEWAY there’s the potential for data loss. We’ve come across several practices with branches (more than 1 gateway PC) and gateway mode icons on different PCs which staff sometimes log into; this impacts where the extracted files are stored and impacts Skyline. Please make sure you select the actual PC name off the listto the path you’ve setup above, hence why it’s VERY important that the Gateway PC can access and write to the practice shared drive and folders you’ve created. I’d recommend checking this once you’ve setup the report. |
Due: Set this to todays date and 23:00
Repeat: Tick to keep the schedule on repeat
Strategic Reporting Group: Informatica (NACS CODE)
Download Configuration: Informatica Reporting
Click the + to the right of the box displaying Informatica Reporting
Informatica (NACS CODE) should be added to the configurations to download
The following box will open showing the new schedule in a grey box with details.
Info |
Note, As long as the TPP Gateway is logged in, the scheduled report will begin automatically downloading at the scheduled time once TPP has activated the new organisation groupthe report is now setup. Once the new organisation has been activated by TPP, data will be extracted daily at 23:00 however this is reliant on Gateway mode running and access to the practice shared drive. The extracted data will then be uploaded into Skyline by the DTC; for reference, this is covered in TPP - Configuring The Skyline Desktop Connector For Gateway Role (Uploading Data) but not needed at this stage. We’ll notify you once Skyline is ready for ‘go live’. |
Request That TPP Enable The New Organisation Group
Note |
Note, the report is now setup but no data will be extracted until TPP activate this and send you a confirmation email. Please see below, you need to email TPP and request the new organisation is activated |
The practice must
Email and CC
Provide the following information:-
Subject: Practice NACS CODE - Request for New Organisation to be enabled
Body of email:-
Practice NACS code
Name of the new Organisation Group : Informatica (NACS CODE)
Request that strategic reporting is enabled for the new Organisation group
On a day AFTER the extract date advised by TPP:-
On the Gateway PC browse Browse to:- C:\Programdata(Network drive letter)\Skyline\Informatica\Data Extracts
Note if you cannot see the C:\Programdata folder listed this may be hiddenClick View in the top menu
Tick hidden items
Check to see if an Archive folder and data files tables are listed in the Data Extracts folder