
Log in to Skyline


The following Internet browsers are supported in SKYLINE : Microsoft Edge and Chrome (not Internet Explorer). If you don't have Chrome or MS Edge available on your PCs within the practice please contact your local IT and request that the browser is installed and set as default in advance of Skyline going live.


Set up process (onboarding) for TPP practices with Informatica – ERICA trial

The ERICA trial software, developed by Informatica, is called Skyline and houses the electronic risk assessment tools (eRATs) for cancer.  The Skyline software analyses patient medical data shared with Informatica daily via bulk extracts from TPP (Strategic Reporting).  

In order for the Skyline software to work TPP Strategic Reporting for Skyline needs to be set up (configured and activated) on a PC in Gateway mode. Then, once the software is ready for going live, a Desktop Connector needs to be installed (quick online process) onto all staff/GPs’ computers who will be using the software.

Setting up the Skyline software onto the clinical system at your practice is a 2-staged process - (setting up Strategic Reporting for Skyline and installing Desktop Connectors on GPs computers).

Stage 1

A.      Configure Strategic Reporting extract for Skyline Extracts on the PC acting as Gateway:


Let Informatica know:

  • The users name wo will be given Strategic Reporting access

  • The name of PC which is going to run in Gateway mode and the location

  • The PC which is going to run TPP in Gateway mode needs to be left switched on and logged into TPP 24/7 for extracts to run


  • Send email to TPP and cc Informatica (support@ishealth.co.uk) requesting that the new Organisation Informatica (NACS code) is activated.

  • You will receive an email from TPP confirming this activation and that the data will be available on X date


  • After X date, on the PC acting as Gateway, please check this folder C:\Programdata\Informatica\Data Extracts

  • Are files listed in this folder?

  • Email Informatica (support@ishealth.co.uk) and let them know if the files are listed OK or not


B.      Complete a ‘Skyline – New User Request’ form for each member of staff/clinician who will be using the software.


C.      Contact ERICA team (erica@exeter.ac.uk) with names of staff who would like access to the software training video.

  • Please provide the name, email address and job role for each user (research champion and/or GPs).


Wait for the Skyline software to go live - you will be notified by email


Once Skyline is ready for go live, this is the process of activating Skyline users and installing the Skyline Desktop Connector


Stage 2

Users with Strategic Reporting -

User with Strategic Reporting will need to:

  • Activate their Skyline User account

  • Install the Skyline Desktop Connector on the PC acting as Gateway

On the Gateway PC Strategic Reporting users

  • Log into Skyline

  • Select the organisation Practice Name gateway

Wait for Informatica to check that data has been received by Skyline

All staff using Skyline software -

  1. All users of Skyline (research champion and GPs) will need to:

  • Activate their Skyline user account

  • Install the desktop connector on their PC

(if staff use more than one PC, they will need to install the desktop connector on each PC they work at)

Skyline is designed and developed by Informatica