Interpreting ERICA Usage Report

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Interpreting ERICA Usage Report

Sample Report (Based on Test Data)

Column Definitions

Report Column Name


Specification Column Name

Report Column Name


Specification Column Name


Name of calculator

Calculator used


National code e.g A12345

Practice National Code




Calculator opened (total) -

Total number times opened either from Cue card/prompt OR from menu in desktop connector

How many times the tool is used

Risk score calculated

User pressed OK in Calculator


Calculator opened from cue

Prompt appeared and user clicked to open calculator link

How many times the tool was opened for a prompt

Cue shown for the risk generated

Prompt appeared when patient record opened

How many times a prompt is shown for the tool

Mean time (in sec) calculator open

Mean time open based on total time open vs Calculator Opened (Total) Column

The mean time (in seconds) the tool was open for

Guidance accessed from calculator

User clicked guidance link

How many times guidance was accessed from the tool

Symptom(s) changed during calculator use

Symptoms changed and OK clicked



How can number of  times the tool was opened for a prompt (Col F) be higher than the number of times a prompt is shown (Col G)?

  1. Patient record opened

  2. cue card appears (Col G incremented)

  3. User clicks cue card to open calculator (Col F incremented)

  4. user closes calculator, but the patient record and cue card are still open.

  5. User clicks on cue card again and opens calculator. (Col F incremented again)

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