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Skyline User Test Reporting

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Tests Overview

Each practice is asked to complete the following tests

  1. At least two End-To-End test as a Clinician which will run over 2 days.

  2. At least two Usability Testing - Cohorts. At least once as a Clinician, and once as an Analyst (who should see nothing).

  3. At least two Usability Testing - Dashboards. At least once as a Clinician, and at least once as an Analyst.

Each User should also complete a Skyline Usability Feedback.

We are asking for screenshots below, however if users can video their test (e.g. record a screen share using a Teams, zoom etc) that would be even better.


Screenshots/Video Naming

Each screenshot should be named as follows:

<Section Shortname>-<Row number>-<DDMMYY>-<HHMM>

a video should be named

<Section Shortname>-<DDMMYY>-<HHMM>

If necessary add a sequence number at the end

i.e. Screenshot of cohort with patient highlighted/identified would be named E2E-1-210521-1127.jpeg the screenshots of adding symptoms to calculator would be named E2E-4-1-210521-1134.jpeg and E2E-4-2-210521-1137.jpeg

Screenshot File formats

Screenshots can be in any standard image format; e.g jpeg, jpg, jpe, png, bmp, tif, tiff

End-To-End Test

Section shortname - E2E

Role for test - Clinician

E2E testing must ONLY be done using TEST PATIENTS





Open a TEST patient in Clinical System and open record for patient identified above

Does the Cue Card show?

Does the cue card show the ‘correct’ cancer (or no cancer)

Screenshot of patient record & cue card


Open calculator from Cue card

Does the calculator show the correct patient details and expected symptoms (or no symptoms)

Screenshot of calculator


Add symptoms to calculator

Does the score change as expected

Screenshot of calculator with additional symptoms

screenshot of calculated risk score tab.


Check coding tab

Are the expected codes listed

screenshot of coding tab.


Press OK

Are any errors displayed, or other messages

screenshot of messages.


Wait until next day


Open Skyline and select an ERICA Cohort

Does the test patient now appear in the list or show the new score?

Screenshot of cohort with patient highlighted/identified


Repeat steps 1 - 7 for the same patient

Usability Testing - Cohorts

Section shortname - UTC

Role for test - Clinician





Open Skyline and select an ERICA Cohort

Identify 2 patients

Screenshot of cohort with patient highlighted/identified


Open a ‘real’ patient in Clinical System and open record for 1 patient identified above

Does the Cue Card show?

Does the cue card show the ‘correct’ cancer

Screenshot of patient record & cue card


Open calculator from Cue card

Does the calculator show the correct patient details and expected symptoms

DO NOT Press OK as this will potentially write codes back to the clinical system

Screenshot of calculator


Repeat steps 2-3 for the second patient identified


Repeat steps 1-4 for each cohort

Usability Testing - Dashboards

Dashboards may not be available in the initial release.

Section shortname - UTD

Role for test - Clinician & Analyst





Open Skyline and select a Dashboard

View dashboard

Screenshot of dashboard

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