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Querying The Amount Of Health Checks Completed

This document is to assist you should you believe you’ve completed more Health Checks than those reported in Skyline


Bury practices ONLY - check Possible Incomplete Health Check Cohort to see if the Health Check has been fully completed in Skyline

Check Pending Data In Skyline

Are there patients listed in Pending Data? If a clinical person adds the codes into Emis and there’s an error generated (usually due to incorrect Emis username in Skyline), the SNOMED codes are saved in Pending Data so that they can be posted into the clinical record at a later date once the issue has been resolved.

Comparing patient Count In Emis To Skyline

Before Informatica support can investigate the discrepancy, we need you to complete the checks below. If you still feel that the count is incorrect we would need example NHS numbers to investigate further.

  • Within the Health Check Activity This Year cohort

    • Click on Filter

Note, the filters currently work by typing in the same text which you see within the column.

  • Depending on which quarter you’re filtering on, type the matching text shown in the column. An example below is filtering on Health Checks Completed Q1 though this could be any column - note the text says Health Check Done Q1

  • Click on Apply

All eligible patients with a Health Check Completed SNOMED code added in on their notes during Q1 will be listed

  • Compare this list with the list from your clinical system and note the difference

Check Ineligible Health Checks Completed

  • Look in the Ineligible cohort

    • Are patients listed in here which you’re counting in Emis but are ineligible?

Patients listed in here are not eligible for a payment. The reason why they’re excluded will be displayed

Do The Patients Have A Health Check Completed SNOMED code On Their Notes

Submitting A Patients NHS Number For Investigation

If you’ve completed the above checks but still feel that the amount of Health checks completed is incorrect, we’re happy to check several patients however we will need to know their NHS number.

  • Please email support@ishealth.co.uk or click on Emil Support within Skyline

    • Include information as to what you’re questioning

    • Include example NHS Numbers (MAX 3 - DO NOT INCLUDE PATIENT NAMES)

Informatica Support will be in touch once they’ve investigated the patients in question.

Skyline is designed and developed by Informatica