Informatica Server Spec Recommendations

Informatica Server Spec Recommendations

A minimumĀ specĀ for the InformaticaĀ server is as follows:-

  • A Microsoft supported OS (Windows 10 or above)

  • 2.4 GHz (or above is preferred) - 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor

  • 8 GB RAM or higher (32-bit) or (64-bit)

  • Minimum 100 GB or above hard disk space NOTE: you need at least 20GB+ free after all applications have been installed to allow for growth etc.

  • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver


Informatica will run more smoothly dependingĀ on the spec of the server. Please note you also need to consider the speed of the network card in the PC and the network switch within the practice as this will also impact the speed of Informatica. If the practice has a branch site they're reliant on the lines bandwidth which could also impact the speed at a branch.


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